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Five Pumpkins
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Learn the ABCs with drawings and examples

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Discover ‘ABCs,’ an interactive flashcard app designed to engage and educate young children in the foundational stages of literacy. Tailored to captivate learners from as young as eight months, this platform offers a user-friendly interface where each flashcard showcases a prominent letter and reveals a corresponding image of an object starting with that letter upon interaction.

To enhance the learning experience, there is an ability to personalize the flashcards. The Edit Mode allows modifications of letters, text, and images or the addition of personal voice recordings. This level of customization makes it compatible with any language, facilitating bilingual or multilingual education for early learners.

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Prioritize key alphabets with the Favorites Mode, marking essential cards and creating a unique deck tailored to the child's learning needs. Further customization includes the option to switch between lower case and UPPER CASE letters, adjust letter coloring to uniform black, and introduce randomization for a more diverse learning experience.

Effortlessly navigate through the cards using simple swipes or accessible buttons that move sequentially from letter to letter. The Quiz Mode is instrumental in reinforcing knowledge by turning off audio prompts, thus encouraging active recall. Additionally, the Partial Child Lock feature minimizes unintended phone calls while preserving essential device functionality.

The app not only aids in alphabet recognition but also lays the groundwork for subsequent reading and mathematical skills. It's an indispensable tool for parents and educators dedicated to nurturing a strong educational foundation. Embrace this opportunity to make learning an interactive, enjoyable, and personalized experience for young children. Explore more invaluable educational resources by seeking ‘Five Pumpkins’ in your Android store.

Reviewed by Uptodown Content Team

Information about ABCs 7.1.1

Package Name com.teneke.letters
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Education & Languages
Language English
Author Five Pumpkins
Downloads 1,910
Date Jun 27, 2015
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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